Al Merrick Surf Board DFR Squash Tail - White 5ft11

Al Merrick Surf Board DFR PU TB-AM05113Q-DFR -FCSII|SQHTW


No, not the Dane Fred Rubble the DFR is a new design from Dane freaking Reynolds. An ultra-modern short board, the plan-shape allows for a short rail line while maintaining drive. The bottom is predominately single concave and features an aggressive fl ip in exit rail rocker. A full outline provides enough volume to ride the DFR about the same length as your height. This short board is not only ready for big airs but also allows for the heaviest carves you can lay down.

Tipo de Produto ↓ Blusăo
Cor Squash Tail - White
Estação ↓ primavera 2014
Composição Pu
Sistema de Fins ↓ FCS II Thruster
Volume(L) 27.00 
Espessura(pol.) 2.31
Largura(pol.) 18.88