Al Merrick Surf Board HIGH 5 5'4 Fish Tail - White 5ft4

Al Merrick Surf Board HIGH 5 5'4 TB-AL05045Q-HGH5-FCSII|FSHTW


The High 5 was cooked up by CI staff to be fun and forgiving but with performance sprinkled in.  Designed to be a quicker and nimbler offspring of the Average Joe, the High 5 will pad your wave count and still allow for rail work and section making.  The bottom is single concave entry to deep double through the fins and terminating with deep concave vee out the tail.  Comes stock with 5 fin boxes and can be ridden as a quad or thruster.

Tipo de Produto ↓ Blusăo
Cor Fish Tail - White
Estação ↓ outono 2017
Composição Pu
Sistema de Fins ↓ FCS II Multisystem
Volume(L) 28.60 
Espessura(pol.) 2.50
Largura(pol.) 19.63