Al Merrick Surf Board NECK BEARD 5?8 ( 19 3/4 X 2 3/8 ) SQUASH 3Q FCSII Assorted Indefinido Unico

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Al Merrick Surf Board NECK BEARD 5?8 ( 19 3/4 X 2 3/8 ) SQUASH 3Q FCSII


After a year of tinkering with different concepts, Dane Reynolds launches the Neck Beard, his favorite free-surf board. No longer working to hide volume from the judges like with the Dumpster Diver, Dane is letting it all hang out with a wider nose and chop tail. With light single concave and vee out the back, this board is faster down the line, has increased rail-to-rail transition, and is more stable when landing airs. Super user-friendly, this is the board Dane grabs when its 1-foot to head-high.--The 2012 Neckbeard tail is taken directly from Dane s hand-drawn template. Dane kept the overall generous plan-shape to provide a skatey feel but the tail refinement allows for slightly more back foot sensitivity. Light single concave and vee out the back, increased rail-to-rail transition and wider through the nose and tail.

Tipo de Produto ↓ Blusăo
Estação ↓ primavera 2014
Sistema de Fins ↓ Indefinido
Volume(L) 162 000.00 
Espessura(pol.) 180.00
Largura(pol.) 60.00