Livro Northcore ADVANCED SURF FITNESS Assorted

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The aim of Advanced Surf Fitness for High Performance Surfing is to help you maximise your skills. This book will help you surf longer, catch more waves and take your performance to the next level using state-of-the-art surf fitness techniques.--Stepping things up from the best-selling book The Complete Guide to Surf Fitness, this book covers everything from increasing your paddle power to training for coordinated surfing movements with explosive power. Every base is covered so you will improve all aspects of your surfing. Training programmes are broken down to manoeuvre level so you can focus and strengthen specific areas of your surfing and fitness.--The guide covers everything including:--Assessing your surf fitness-Maximising core and strength training-Improving coordination and balance-Weights programme-Exercises for boosting your explosive power-Resistance training, free weights and swimming-Tips for better paddle power-Visualisation techniques for improving confidence-Training for improving specific surfing manoeuvres-Tips for young surfers-Nutrition and diet-Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced training programmes

Género ↓ Unissexo
Estação ↓ outono 2023
Composição Papel
Tipo de Produto ↓ Livro